Our Children

Judith Onieki

Judith Ondieki Kemuma


I am nineteen and completing a Diploma in Community Health Nursing at Kenya Medical Training College at Migori. The opportunity for me to come to Cana Rescue Centre was brought about because neither my mother nor father were able to take care of me from an early age. As a result, I kept moving from one relative to another and the environment was never healthy, consistent, or safe. While attending Cana Primary school (Cana Kings School) my situation was made known and action taken to allow me acceptance into Cana Rescue Center, followed by Compassion for Africa sponsorship which included my continuing education.


While becoming a nurse is my current goal, I desire to extend into other medical specialties. As a nurse I long to give love to those who never felt love as I take care of their health and believe this will also fill a place that remained empty from my  childhood.