Pastors John and Ramona Wilson began investing into the lives of orphans in the late 90’s by partnering with Pastors in East Africa who were caring for abandoned children. The thought of abandoned children having a loving home and a hopeful new future was the motivation for their involvement. With a desire to see the work for themselves, they first went to East Africa in 2005. Having been moved by the devotion shown by the African pastors and the great need of the children they returned in 2007 with a team from Southgate church in South Bend Indiana. It was on this trip that Compassion for Africa (CFA) was born. The team returned to the states with a great desire to see the work prosper far beyond the daily struggles to feed and educate the children. We began raising sponsorships for each child and providing needed finances for upgrades in the standard of living in the homes. Ramona oversees the sponsorships of each of the children and with John serves on the leadership team of CFA. They remain active in missions both home and abroad. They have two children and three grandchildren.